Calling farmers its topmost priority, the Kamal Nath-led Congress government in Madhya Pradesh presented its first Budget on Wednesday, allocating Rs 46,559 crore for agriculture, an increase by 66
Andhra Pradesh government will pay ex-gratia compensation of Rs 7 lakh each to families of 1,513 farmers who allegedly committed suicide due to crop loss or crop failure between 2014 and 2019, Chie
A laboratory report has confirmed that farmers in Maharashtra's Akola district indeed sowed banned herbicide-tolerant Bt (HTBT) cotton by way of protest last month, a state government official said
Indian farmers have planted 23.4 million hectares with summer crops, down 27% from this time a year ago, according to the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, buffeted by patchy monsoon
Hundreds of farmers across the state under the Kisan Mazdoor Sangharsh Committee today held protests outside the offices of the canal/drainage divisions demanding water to irrigate their crops, wh
Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Impact of Global Warming on Farmers, 09/07/2019. Studies show that, in the changing climate scenario, central & northern India and Western Himalayas have become more prone to