Choking and pollution of the Great Lakes in Africa has affected breeding of unique fish species

Human interference with the coastal environment has led to growth of poisonous microbes

While dam busting, engineers should take care to save the entire river system from degradation

THE abundance of fish and crab in Chilika will soon become a thing of the past, if there is no check on the increasing pressure of human activity in the region. A recent study which voiced these

Social events play a major part in the development of the nervous system

with uncertainty hanging like a pall over the future of prawn cultivation in Andhra Pradesh (ap), prawn farmers who had stocked their ponds, have reported outbreak of viral diseases among the

...are the local wetlands in Assam on account of short sighted flood control measures and unsavoury fishing practices

Beels are shallow waterbodies with rich macrophytic vegetation. The recent satellite survey undertaken by the Assam Remote Sensing Application Centre, shows that there are as many as 3,536 wetlands

Apternotus albifrons , a fish that

Months of international dispute may be set at rest with the US Court of International Trade agreeing to resume imports of shrimp from India, Pakistan and China. The US customs service was
