Introducing farmed salmon in the rivers doesn t help

Leading caviar exporting nations agree to voluntarily restrict sturgeon fishing to pre empt a ban by CITES

More whale meat will be available in Japanese markets

Fish speciate to have food to their taste

Sixty per cent of the world's important fish stocks are in urgent need of management to rehabilitate them or keep them from being overfished. While the idea of sustainable fishing remains mired in

The government

A new kit to detect contamination in fish

Senegal recently extended a fishing rights deal with the European Union (eu) by three months to allow more time for talks on a new arrangement, which environmentalists fear may endanger fish stocks.

the sturgeon population is fast declining due to poaching, illegal trade, habitat loss, dam constructions, pollution, damaging aquaculture practices, lack of regional cooperation in conservation

The federal district court in Portland, Oregon, has ruled that the US government's operation of four dams on the lower Snake River violates the Clean Water Act. The court ordered the US Army Corps of
