South Africa has seized 235 tonnes of the rare Patagonian toothfish in Cape Town. The illegal haul, estimated to be worth us $2.5 million, was probably headed for China, Hong Kong and Los Angeles.

The European Union (eu) recently approved a plan to control the fishing and landing of sharks. The proposal aims to curb the repulsive practice of "finning', by which fisherfolk hack the fins of

flawed trials: Yet another controversy has erupted over genetically modified (GM) crops

Philippines joins CNG bandwagon: Yet another country attempting to switch its

CHILDREN'S HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT (CCHE) . New York Times . Between June 6 and August 15 . 2002 In what is being termed as the most extensive advertising campaign ever done to promote

Fish oil supplements in Europe extensively contaminated by dioxins

The succulent Patagonian toothfish is the bone of contention in the war between poachers and fishing patrols

According to the WWF Living Planet 2002 report, people are consuming more natural resources than nature can produce, and some more so than others. At this rate, the world may soon come to a grinding halt.

Large-scale fish deaths have sparked a livelihood crisis in the Penny Bay region of Hong Kong. The cause of the fatalities is said to be reclamation work on about 160 hectares of land along the

The mystery of large scale fish fatalities in the Yamuna near Agra and the conflicting official theories
A report by Prabhanjan Verma
