Over the last one year, villagers of Ghati in Gadchiroli have kept timber out of the forest department


Forests are vital for ensuring stability of water cycle and its benefits to agriculture and households, carbon cycle and its role in climate mitigation, soil fertility and its value to crop production, local microclimate for safe habitats, medicinal plants for health, biodiversity for survival, and so on; which are all crucial elements of green economy for reducing poverty and hunger.

The Policy of the Royal Government of Bhutan to provide goods and services on subsidized rate to the Bhutanese people started even before the Department of Forest was established. During those periods the system was implemented by the Civil Authorities. The marking of timber/trees was done by the guards from the Civil Offices.

Approach to conserve biodiversity for sustainable development should be targeted at different levels, from improving living standards to changing the attitude of people. If Himalayan medicinal plants are to continue to serve the needs of the people without being reduced to a dangerously unstable resource base, they have to be considered in the perspective of sound ecological management that also has economic benefits to the local people.


Bastar Adivasis Get A Pittance; Reds, Officials Make Money In Tandem
Raipur: In inky blue darkness, Bargu and Sunita stir their children out of slumber and drag them to the forest.

Bamboo is perhaps one of the most precious natural resources India possesses.

Sustainable management of NTFPs requires precise scientific information which ultimately augments responsible management as well as responsible business practices, and more importantly enhance customary rights of indigenous people and local communities through increasing knowledge base existed.

Non timber forest products (NTFPs) play a vital role in sustaining rural communities, particularly those living adjacent to forest areas. In India, it is estimated that over 50 million people are dependent on NTFPs for their subsistence and derive their earnings from these products after consuming about 60% of NTFPs.
