During the present study it was observed that the Forest Development Agencies and Village Forest Committees play an important role in National Afforestation Programs by protection and conservation of natural resources through their active involvement.
This paper is based on a critical literature review and looks into the implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA) in India, with particular reference to the two states of Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. The paper examines the provisions, whatever little the forest-dependent people had since the colonial regime, when modern forest governance began.
The Ministry is proposing to make some amendments in the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Rules, 2008 to: lay down a procedure for identification or hamlets or settlements and process of consolidation of their lists; increase the mandatory tribal membership of Forest Rights Committees from the
This study aims at consolidating information on Community Forest Right (CFR) status and issues in different states in India collected from groups and organizations working in the states including the lessons from the March 2012 consultation, in order to understand the ground level situation regarding their implementation and to provide an assess
This note is an outcome of contributions of information through the CFR‐LA (Learning and Advocacy) process from multiple Civil Society Organisations and individuals working in implementation of CFRs, observations from CFR case studies undertaken with support from Oxfam and inputs of participants in the National Consultation on CFRs.
The mainstream paradigm of understanding grass-root environmentalism in India as “environmentalism of the poor” might be challenged by an alternative prototype forest movement in the Bengal Dooars prior to the Chipko movement. It was fought against the exploitative design of ecosystem governance under the taungya method of artificial regeneration as invented by colonial foresters during the British rule.
This response to the comment “Protecting India’s Protected Areas” by Praveen Bhargav and Shekar Dattatri (23 April 2011) points out the authors’ misreading of the Forest Rights Act and also of the report of the Joint Committee on the FRA.
The Union government is reviewing its landmark initiative, the Forest Rights Act, four years after enacting it and two high-level groups submitted their assessment in the first week of January. But theenvironment ministry is in no mood to accept Forest Rights Act review finds out Down To Earth.
This paper considers the relationship between the emergence and development of state forestry institutions in forested landscapes of West Bengal and the chronic and acute poverty of citizens living there. At least 13% of West Bengal