THERE will be few who will disagree with the Supreme Court judgement that over Rs 420 crore have been washed away in the first phase of the Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Without any significant

This is a river straining against captivity

DOES THE ago-old belief in Ganga's incorruptibility hold water? Yes, says environmental engineer D S Bhargava of Roorkee University, who believes that this is what has led to apathy towards the

Kanpur -- the second most polluted city on the Ganga after Calcutta -- has come under the microscope during the first phase of the Ganga Action Plan (GAP). However, the city's residents will have to

Effluents from a liquor factory in Banka district spell doom for many villages around the unit and also pollute the Ganga.

The Ganga Mukti Andolan is endeavouring to free a stretch of the Ganga and the exploited fisherfolk that derive their livelihood from it from the clutches of landowners and mafia gangs.

Even though Ganga Action Plan I, initiated seven years ago, has fallen short of expectations, work has already begun on the ambitious Yamuna Action Plan.

Sugar and paper mills in Bihar and tanneries in West Bengal have been penalised by the Supreme Court for continuing to discharge untreated waste into the Ganga and its tributaries.

In the post monsoon months of September and October, the Ganga often rises to flood vast tracts of border land in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. As the flood waters recede, they leave behind new islands, which frequently become a subject of violent dispute.

Several government and voluntary agencies are involved in the onerous task of cleaning up the country's best known river.
