Cancer linked to polluted water in the Gangetic belt

Ganga plumbs new depths in its journey through Varanasi

Major lacunae have been detected in the functioning of the Ganga Action Plan (gap). The public accounts committee (pac) of parliament came down heavily on the government for diverting funds earmarked

Rivers are wellsprings of life. They give birth to civilisations, sustain livelihoods and sometimes even trigger wars. Rivers inspire awe and creativity. But in modern times, they are taken for granted: their flow checked by large dams, their waters sulli

Lack of coherent research on the melting Gangotri glacier spells disaster

On June 16, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s exhortation to “implement the river conservation programme with a greater sense of urgency and commitment” was an allusive reference to the states’ tardiness and cursoriness in executing sanctioned projec

The Indo-Gangetic plains are drained by several fan and interfan rivers fringing the margin of the outer Himalaya. These fan and interfan river systems are distinctly different from each other in terms of hydrology and sediment transport and generate typical

Excessive heat and little light is how I would describe discussions on privatisation of water. Protagonists say this is the magic bullet that will deliver safe water for all. Antagonists insist the

Does the concept of interlinking India's rivers hold water? The debate rages on...

a website has been launched, which could go a long way in improving the water quality of the river. The site is hosted by Sankat Mochan Foundation (smf) members and clean-up
