Arctic sea ice fell to its lowest ever May extent, prompting fears that this year could beat 2012 for the record of worst ever summer sea ice melt.

A glacier that is one of the largest at the source of China's Yangtze River is fast retreating because of climate change, state media said.

The Arctic is on track to be free of sea ice this year or next for the first time in more than 100,000 years, a leading scientist has claimed.

The Arctic is on track to be free of sea ice this year or next for the first time in more than 100,000 years, a leading scientist has claimed.

Changes to the grounding line, where grounded ice starts to float, can be used as a remotely-sensed measure of ice-sheet susceptibility to ocean-forced dynamic thinning. Constraining this susceptibility is vital for predicting Antarctica's contribution to rising sea levels. We use Landsat imagery to monitor grounding line movement over four decades along the Bellingshausen margin of West Antarctica, an area little monitored despite potential for future ice losses.

Deep, cold ocean currents from the North Atlantic blunt the effect of global warming on Antarctica and slow the rise of sea levels, according to a study published Monday.

KOCHI: India's iconic Elephanta Caves , the glorious abode of Lord Shiva and an epitome of Hindu cave culture, is facing a long-term risk from sea-level rise, according to a new report.

Graph from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association shows 2016 shows this year significantly hotter than ever the last few hot years.Graphic courtesy of NOAA

Why has the sea ice cover surrounding Antarctica been increasing slightly, in sharp contrast to the drastic loss of sea ice occurring in the Arctic Ocean?

Global warming could raise sea levels by almost three metres (9.8ft) by destabilising a major eastern Antarctic glacier, scientists have said.
