Global warming is accelerating faster than what climatologists had calculated. In 1995, the Intergovern

Scientists stress that conserving mangroves will provide an important buffer to save coastal regions from the ravages of sea level rise due to global warming

If only 16 per cent of the world's population behaved in a more responsible manner, many environmental problems would have been resolved. Consider this. In 1997, the 29 industrialised member-nations

the much-talked about phenomenon of global warming was in the news recently following an unusual experiment. The British scientific weekly Nature reported that scientists from the University

... a result of urbanisation?

Ice crystals, known as methane hydrates, found inside the seafloor, have tremendous energy potential. But humans are yet to tap them

Heat rising from the Earth's interiors melts the hydrate layers. This results in the release of methane which eventually reaches the atmosphere

the Tokyo Electric Power Company ( tepco ) plans to plant eucalyptus and other trees on 1,000 hectares of land in Australia in an attempt to offset its greenhouse gas emissions. The

The hottest temperatures recorded in the last century in Australia were in the 90s

Global warming will impact crop production
