The world's largest gold refinery, the Rand, located in South Africa will soon become the most ecofriendly one across the globe. The refinery is the first in the world to be awarded a certificate by

Oktay Konyar, a leader of an environmental campaign in Turkey has been arrested. "I am being punished because I wanted the implementation of a court decision,' said Konyar. The residents of Ovacik

Zimbabwean soldiers are plundering the

catalytic converter plant: UK-based Johnson Mathey has recently entered into an agreement with Calcutta's Arora Group for setting up a catalytic converter plant in Delhi. The company would

After an uneventful century of gold-mining in western Ghana, the November 1996 demonstration by the chiefs from Tarkwa region

The Venezuelan government has decided against granting new mining concessions in the disputed Imataca forest reserve, one of the prime gold and diamond mining areas in the country. It will now

The Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, has developed a bioreactor technology that would help increase output in gold mines. Metallurgy involving bioabsorption and bioremediation is a cheaper

ecological interests seem to have prevailed in a row involving the Yellowstone National Park, one of the best-known us sanctuaries and also a tourist attraction. The area was in the centre of a

The fears of the inhabitants of Serra Leste in the northern state of Para have come true. When

Once consi
