The Kerala High Court on Tuesday made it clear that without technical study report it may not be correct to limit the extraction of groundwater by soft-drink major Pepsi.

Mandatory permits and a cess on groundwater use to irrigate cash crops, run industry or for mining are among the measures proposed by the Government in a draft Bill that aims at conserving groundwa

A bill to regulate the development and management of ground water and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This Act may be called the Orissa Ground Water (Regulation, Development and Management) Act, 2011.

The Standing Committee on Water Resources (2010-2011) presented this tenth Report to the Parliament on 'Augmentation of Depleted Ground Water Level, Sustainable Development, Conservation, Management, Use of Ground Water and
Prevention of Water Pollution'. It includes review of the total ground water resources of India ,depletion and pollution of ground water resources , measures taken by Government for ground water augmentation and other related aspects.

Groundwater has played a significant role in the maintenance of India’s economy, environment, and standard of living. India is the largest groundwater user in the world. Through the construction of millions of private wells, there has been a phenomenal growth in the exploitation of groundwater in the last five decades.

CHENNAI: A comprehensive groundwater regulatory authority will be established soon to address issues of water quality and availability in Chennai Metropolitan area. The move is aimed at weaning the city's residents away from an unsustainable dependence on groundwater and to impose strict control on the use of sub-surface water.

This paper examines how the neoliberal policies have influenced the water sector reform policies and interventions in India, particularly, in the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

An Act to regulate and control the development and management of ground water and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Whereas, it is expedient to provide for Regulation and control of development and management of ground water in the State and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

JAIPUR: The groundwater level has depleted continuously over the past few years in the city. If the exploitation continues, experts say, in the next four years there will no water available for daily chores in many areas of the city.

According to the data available with state groundwater department, 13 panchayats under Jaipur district are overexploited where the groundwater table is alarming.

A Bill to regulate and control the development and management of ground water and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Whereas, it is expedient to provide for Regulation and control of development and management of ground water in the State and for matters connected therewith or incident thereto.
