the West Bengal government has asked auto-emission testing centres in the city to only measure carbon monoxide levels in exhaust fumes of vehicles. Thus, it has ignored the provisions of the

Chandrakant Pandav , additional professor, Centre for Community Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, is a leading member of the International Council for Control for Iodine Defici

When the Spanish found tobacco in America did they bite off more than they could chew? The debate still continues in the form of gutka in India

social and economic upheaval in Russia, along with the influx of heroin and other illegal drugs, have led to a rapid increase in the number of drug addicts. This rise is shadowed by a steep

cod liver oil

Americans wake up to a vital need of the human body: sleep

metal pollution from salmon farms has caused serious threats to wildlife in some of Scotland's sea lochs. According to a study of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( sepa ), levels of

Vaccines are causing autism in UK, say some doctors

Studies in Kathmandu reveal that infants and children are much more vulnerable to vehicular exhaust. Lead in the auto emission can cause severe behavioural changes, affect the child's capacity of

the book drives home the point that pollution prevention is more economical than pollution control. Japan attained economic success through modernisation and rapid industrialisation. But this
