Hydropower is a valuable renewable energy resource in India, which can help in climate change mitigation and meet the increasing energy demands. However, the crucial role of climate change on hydropower production in India remains unexplored.

To chalk out the future course of action in view of the disputes regarding the use of Mahanadi river water, a well-rounded strategy that includes both the people and policymakers is needed. The strategy must allow for dialogue by rebuilding trust and should look at arbitration and negotiation as methods of conflict resolution.

BHUBANESWAR: Families affected by Hirakud dam staged a demonstration outside the assembly here on Saturday, demanding 10 decimal of homestead land to each family.

Forest and environment minister Bijayshree Routray today informed the State Assembly that the Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) has found 43 stations of nine main rivers of the state as

Orissa is prone to natural disasters, especially floods. Yet, the authorities have not been able to draw up an effective disaster management plan and politicians continue to play politics with relief works. What is needed in dealing with these disasters and the relief and rehabilitation work that follows is the participation of the local community and functionaries of panchayati raj institutions, and coordination with national and international bodies.

Governor M C Bhandare on Friday suggested that that an independent expert panel should ascertain the exact cause of high floods in river Mahanadi this year.

Grout material in recent years has made quantum advancement and researchers have made this material more application friendly. Grouts are finding increasing applications for checking seepage under dams and in repair work for old dams.

As I write this my city Delhi is drowning. It started raining early this morning and within a few hours the city has come to a standstill. The television is showing scenes of traffic snarled up for hours, roads waterlogged and people and vehicles sunk deep in water and muck.

Odisha, is struggling to cope with floods of horrendous magnitude. This state which recorded deficient rains of 40 per cent, is now in surplus. Experts and the public attribute the current flood in Orissa entirely to the mismanagement of the Hirakud dam. This special report by Down to Earth Online, calls for adopting a new strategy based on the present rainfall pattern both upstream and downstream of this dam.

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government on Thursday signed a MoU with state-owned National Hydro-Power Corporation (NHPC) for setting up three hydel units down Hirakud reservoir at an investment of Rs 3,000 crore.

The MoU signified formation of a joint venture company (JVC) between the state-owned Odisha Hydro Power Corporation (OHPC) and NHPC for implementation of Sindol-1 (100 MW), Sindol-II (100
