This paper estimates the elasticity of elephant poaching with respect to prices. To identify the supply curve, the authors observe that ivory is a storable commodity and hence subject to Hotelling's no-arbitrage condition. The price of gold, one of many commodities used as stores of value, is thus used as an instrument for ivory prices.

A new TRAFFIC report reveals a thriving trade in poached South African abalone Haliotis midae in Hong Kong, where the marine mollusc is considered a delicacy in Cantonese cuisine.

Gabon's national parks agency is bringing hi-tech to the equatorial forests of central Africa in a bid to save thousands of elephants from well-drilled and armed poachers

Scientists are analyzing ivory samples confiscated from the U.S. retail market to help reduce elephant poaching.

Volunteers at the Ebola/Mudslide victims' cemetery at Pa Loko village in the outskirts of Waterloo, Western Area Rural District, have expressed fear that rampant illegal sand mining currently takin

Deputy Commissioner Sasikanth Senthil said that the district administration has written to CMFRI, to look into the reason for the increase in pollution in Phalguni river.

One of the world's leading investigators of the illegal trade in ivory and rhino horn has been killed in Kenya.

Ivory worth 15 million baht ($469,800) smuggled from Nigeria has been seized in Thailand, customs officials said.Three elephant tusks and 31 ivory pieces weighing a combined 148 kilograms were seiz

Despite the HP High Court and National Green Tribunal (NGT) ban on illegal mining in the Neugal river, the menace continues unabated in the area.

A new study summarises the motivations behind the use of endangered wildlife products in Viet Nam, with an ultimate goal of helping behavioural science practitioners develop messages and initiatives to help reduce their consumption.
