To press for more sustainable and equitable utilisation of the world s resources, India and France seek closer ties

The real issues of global water management took a backseat as crisis mongering and anti dam protests hijacked the Second World Water Forum at the Hague

India, Pakistan and Nepal have called for regional cooperation to tackle environmental problems in South Asia. The subcontinent in South Asia is bestowed with immense natural resources, vast fertile

CIVIL wars and ethnic conflicts spilling across national borders evoke varying responses. At times, even though assistance and funds may be readily available, it does not reach the needy due to

The socio ecological implications of the knowledge revolution are many and multifaceted. But the world needs a system where a 'post bi polar' order is yet to be defined

With Russia participating in the first unified space station project, international cooperation reaches new heights. But there are also doubts about the US led venture.

BANGLADESH'S Grameen Bank -- a cooperative banking system with easy loan repayment conditions -- has inspired US President Bill Clinton. When he was governor of Arkansas, Clinton launched the

In late April, the Indo-British Environment Initiative (IBEI) was launched simultaneously in London and New Delhi to help unblock follow-up international green negotiations after the Rio summit.

A NEPALESE expert committee rules out any adverse effect to Nepal from the Indo-Nepal agreement on the Tanakpur barrage, which concerns the utilisation of natural resources. The 11-member,

Dying nation
