A closer knit South Asian community is not beyond the realms of possibility now. At the 12th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation summit in Islamabad from January 4 6, leaders of the region took some of the boldest steps ever since the groupin

I met Jacques Chirac this fortnight. Just before he made the call to George Bush and just before he left to attend the European Union summit in Athens, the French president met some 20 of us in his

For a fortnight, 1,456 delegates from 167 countries sat in conference halls, attended plenary sessions and roundtables, and sized each other up over a cup of coffee. In the end, CoP 8 didn't witness any scintillating intellectual and moral leadership from

Will the New Partnership for African Development NEPAD be able to deliver on its promises?

NEPAD falls short on deliverables though it is heavy on promises

A decline in its funds and erosion in its mandate have made the United Nations Environment Programme virtually ineffective. Bharat H Desai looks at recent attempts to revitalise it

It is the tale of two European rivers. The Rhine and the Danube. No river system in the world has a density of industrial agglomerations comparable to that of the Rhine. The river connects the economies of some of the richest countries, while the Danube l

An international convention for protection of the Danube hopes to restore the river s ecosystem

Two Tamil Nadu Villages protect their natural wealth and prosper

Maldives president concerned over global warming
