It seemed too good to be true. A recent order of the Karnataka government allowed the 650 tribal families living in a part of the Rajiv Gandhi National Park to collect minor forest produce to build

Once again, shoals of dead fish were beached on the banks of the Tungabhadra, in Karnataka's Dharwad district, earlier this year. Most people blame the effluents from 2 industrial units on the banks of the river. But the government remains apathetic

The Karnataka government has joined in the vociferous opposition to the Kaiga nuclear power plant, under pressure from political parties and environmental groups. Deputy chief minster S M Krishna

In 1985, the Transnational Centre, a social action group, took the matter of industrial effluents polluting the Tungabhadra to the Karnataka High Court. The organisation detailed the various changes

A government body concluded 2 years ago that the Tungabhadra water in the Dharwad district was badly polluted

This indicative plan has based on the work of field/park directors and their colleagues in the eight protected areas, and of various non-governmental organisations involved in carrying out PRA in the proposed project area.

The Konkan Railway Corp (KRC) was caught off guard when the Karnataka agriculture minister, H M Revanna, chose to let loose a tirade against the project. The state government has always come out in

A strong protest movement is taking shape over the Kaiga Atomic Power Project of the National Power Corp of India Ltd (NPCIL), near Karwar in western Karnataka. The movement has gained momentum since

Collecting fuelwood provides a basis for survival for the poor around Dharwar

AN ANCIENT Egyptian practice of divining a woman's pregnancy by treating wheat seeds with her urine, say scientists, could be used as an efficient, economical pregnancy test for cows. The currently
