With just about 30 per cent of its villages covered under the Scheduled Tribe and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, so far, the Odisha Government is more t

Ending the long wait, rains lashed large parts of the State prompting the weather office to announce the onset of southwest monsoon in Odisha.

BHUBANESWAR: Rampant illegal mining by several companies is continuing despite the State Government’s claim to have brought it down.

BHUBANESWAR: Having witnessed a quantum rise in the production of horticulture crops in the last 10 years, the State Government has now decided to lay emphasis on floriculture, coconut and banana c

After deciding to integrate railway freight data with the Integrated Mines and Mineral Management System (i3MS), the online data verification and permit generation software for mineral transports, the steel and mines department now plans to integrate the software with the commercial tax department.

“By June 1, the integration with the Railways will be completed wherein information on mineral transported from Odisha will be cross verified in real-time. Efforts are now being taken to integrate i3MS with the commercial tax department on verification of sale value of the mineral,”

The Centre and Orissa government find themselves on a war footing as the Centre holds the state responsible for stepping on its toes by determining royalty rates of iron ore.

JAIPUR: One person died and five were injured, three seriously, on Sunday evening as heavy thunderstorm hit some parts of Korei, Bari, Rasulpur and Vyasnagar in the district.

Bhubaneswar: Orissa’s Keonjhar district, long considered endemically poor, has undergone a transformation: it has turned daily wage labourers into crorepatis.

Bhubaneswar: In a move to ensure inclusive growth of minerals-bearing areas of Odisha including livelihood programmes, experts have suggested floating of a micro-enterprise fund with Rs 200 crore t

Australian mining major Rio Tinto is planning to invest around $2 billion (Rs 9,886 crore) in setting up a major iron ore mining project in Orissa. The investment, largest so far by the miner in India, would help it establish a strong foothold in the country’s mining space.

“It is a $2-billion project. We expect ramping up the project’s capacity quickly to 15 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) to cater to clients ,” Sam Walsh, chief executive of Rio Tinto’s iron ore division said during a press conference.
