S Lalitha, Bangalore, DH News Service:

The impact on health caused by lead is dangerous for all individuals, but is particularly high in the case of children and pregnant women, says project co-ordinator C K Mythily.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention collected health, housing, and environmental data in a single integrated national survey for the first time in the United States in 1999

Lead-contaminated house dust is a major source of lead exposure for children in the United States. In 1999

New Delhi: The absence of mandatory guidelines have allowed toy manufacturers

Watch out for toxic toys! They could cause serious harm to your children

Sudhakar Pai from Mangalore had severe abdominal pain at the age of seven. Tests revealed he was anaemic. The doctor prescribed medicines for intestinal worms and anaemia. But the pain persisted.

Lead present in large drainage systems near residential areas in the City do not permeate water sources and contaminate them. This is the conclusion of a six-month study conducted by students of Christ University. The project was sanctioned by the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning.

As Delhiites prepare to celebrate Diwali, they need to ensure that the fresh coat of paint they use on their walls is lead-free.

A study on lead in household paints titled

The Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday set stringent new standards for airborne lead particles, following the recommendations of its science advisers and cutting the maximum allowable concentrations to a tenth of the previous standard. It was the first change in federal lead standards in three decades.

Bangalore, DHNS:

Children under the age of six are more vulnerable to lead poisoning.

By Satish Shile, DH News Service, Bangalore:

Like coriander and hyacinths, milk samples too have been found to contain traces of lead (pb) which can cause serious health disorders.

Students of Reva Institute of Science & Management collected milk samples in Bangalore and on the outskirts and subjected them to lab tests.
