Costa Rica seems to be getting

South Africa waters down proposed ban on plastic

When concern for the environment is merely cosmetic, can we hope for a change?

Dwindling fish stocks in the European seas have raised a wave of concern. And in a bid to save these stocks, the European Commission recently proposed drastic cuts in the European Union's (eu)

Hyundai rapped for violating green laws after failing to clean up its act

Proposal to tax erring industrialists for CETPs in Delhi

Assam s evicted encroachers show legal proof of residence

In order to deal with the growing waste, the Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad (mch) has passed a resolution to impose a garbage tax on 2,000 waste-generating city institutions. These include

In response to a writ petition, Nepal's supreme court has asked the government to keep the capital city of Kathmandu free of garbage. Recently, the court issued a directive to ensure healthy

Bangladesh has banned tree-felling in its Sundarbans mangrove
