The Punjab Chief Minister, Mr Parkash Singh Badal, on Tuesday approved the Rs 10,300-crore Ludhiana Metro project which will be completed in five years.
Ludhiana: Members of the Ludhiana Builders’ Association have complained to the government that the state’s building industry is in the grips of a very active mining mafia.
Moga: Paddy worth crores of rupees stored by state procurement agencies is reportedly missing from Punjab’s rice mills, thanks to lack of an effective policy, lacklustre attitude of officials and p
Out of 10 families in a street, 8 hit by the disease. The high concentration of cancer cases was earlier reported in villages of Talwandi Sabo block of Bathinda district.
Ludhiana: With wheat production in Punjab reaching an all-time high, well-known agricultural scientist and Rajya Sabha MP Dr M S Swaminathan on Wednesday urged the state government to provide farme