MUMBAI: Monsoon claimed five lives on its way out in the month of October, a civic report stated on Thursday. While dengue killed three people, malaria and hepatitis claimed a life each.
Scientists were stepping up their surveillance of SA’s malaria-control programme as the country confronts a surge in cases, the National Institute of Communicable Diseases disclosed on Tuesday.
AHMEDABAD: Even as the temperatures have begun to fall, more than 1,000 cases of vector-borne infections in October were reported in Ahmedabad, says the data provided by Ahmedabad Municipal Corpora
Coffee represents a multi-hundred-billion dollar industry, consumed almost entirely by industrialized nations while being cultivated, harvested and exported by the world's poorer nations.
At least nine have died from Malaria in Tirioko Ward in Tiaty Sub-County, Baringo over the last five days and dozens more are facing death as they struggle to seek medication for the killer disease
Ask anyone what they think the most dangerous creature on the planet is, and the answers will most likely be sharks, crocodiles, anacondas or poisonous jelly fishes.