Russia s population is declining at an alarming rate

Northern Kenya is again facing the onslaught of droughts, having received scant rain in the last two years. The tell-tale signs are growing malnutrition, rising grain prices and falling cattle

UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund has declared that the first week of September be observed as the

IF THE children of India are any indication of the future health of the country, there may be a dark tomorrow in store for it. The Progress of Nations Report, 1996, released recently by

While malnutrition stays with us in a big way, the quantity of arable land per capita is diminishing rapidly. Africa's population has increased from just under 300 million in 1970, to over 500

In Angola, 95 children are dying everyday. Not from bullets or mines, but from disease and malnutrition. The United Nations Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has come up with this shocking fact.

Development can spawn curious offspring. The prospect of involving rural women in a refresher course on the importance of maintaining vegetable gardens surely qualifies as one of these. And that's

The question of what constituted a balanced Indian diet had the British totally confused

They do not always make it to the front pages or to the television screen, yet every minute disease and malnutrition kills nearly 24 of them. According to the report, The State of the World's

WOLFGANG Sachs, born in 1946 in Munich, studied theology, sociology and history and taught at the University of Berlin for several years. At the end of the 1970s, he set up a research group called Energy and Society at the Technical University of Berlin,
