Imagine how irritating it must be for the cows, to be milked when

L N MODI, the managing trustee of the Bharatiya Cattle Research Foundation, Delhi, said that adulteration of milk is on the rise. Speaking at a press confer- ence in Delhi, he informed that in

A glass of milk a day may stand between you and colon cancer

During the 1960s and 1970s, when modernisation and development first hit the Third World, the water buffalo was rejected as an unfit animal as far as its economic utility was concerned. But their

TWO Fox TV reporters in Tampa, Florida, have reported that Monsanto's gene-tically engineered milk hormone, rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hor-mone), may promote cancer in humans. The milk is sold

Highest PCB levels in samples of human milk

Whole milk from cows fed on an enriched diet could save humans from the risk of developing cancer

Cow s milk may lead to diabetes by reacting with proteins in the pancreas

A new technique for early detection of mastitis in cows has been developed by British researchers

A naturally occuring bacterium in milk can save the losses incurred by mal1scale dairy farmers who do not own refrigeration facilities
