A revised mine plan for Taseko Mines' New Prosperity copper-gold project in British Columbia still poses significant threats to the environment and nearby communities, a Canadian federal review pan

The action comes on the directives of the Supreme Court

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has registered 22 cases against companies involved in alleged exports of 2.1 million tonnes of iron ore without valid permits from Belekeri port in Karnataka.

Proposed FDT has provision to collect 15% of sale value of minerals produced from forest area.

The issue of alleged irregularities in mines of beach minerals came to the fore after former Tuticorin collector, Ashish Kumar, had conducted inspections at a private sand quarry.

The report stated the allegation made by the complainant was filed with a wrong motive, envy and vindictive and far away from the truth

The Indian Bureau of Mines, which works under the Ministry of Mines, said it had found no evidence in the alleged illegal mining of atomic minerals across Tirunelveli, Kanyakumari and Tuticorin districts in Tamil Nadu by a private mining company.

India has made its first ever claim before the International Seabed Authority (ISA) for the exploration of poly-metallic sulphide from the Mauritius seas.

Prior to country's first ever seabed exploration for sulphides, a preliminary study has been completed with the help of the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research (NCAOR) in the Rodriguez Triple Junction, a geologic junction in the southern Indian Ocean where three tectonic plates meet, near Mauritius.

Calling for scrapping the multi-crore ecotourism project in Kondapur which "erodes environmental assets in the guise of ecotourism project," the vigilance and enforcement department has recommended

As the mining sector of the State is in a limbo, the Government has given a second thought to imposition of forest development tax (FDT) on minerals extracted from forest areas.

Decks have been cleared for India’s first 12-million tonne ultra mega steel plant (UMSP).

State-run mining major NMDC, which has been named the nodal agency for the project by the Prime Minister-led National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council (NMCC), has started the process of acquiring land for the steel plant in Karnataka and plans to invite bids from companies wanting to set up the UMSP.

Greenland's parliament voted on Thursday to end a decades-long prohibition on mining for radioactive materials like uranium, further opening up the country to investors from Australia to China eage
