Enable Block: 

Chandigarh: The UT Administration is considering a proposal to make Chandigarh a solar city. A draft of the detailed project report prepared by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) submitted to the Administration last week says if suitable measures are taken, the UT can meet 20 per cent of its residential and commercial power requirements through solar energy by 2018.

The MNRE had sanctioned the Saradi test project in January 2006. The project has been implemented by UBB (Uttarakhand Biofuel Board), Dehradun and coordinated and monitored by UREDA (Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development Agency), Dehradun.

Biomass has been one of the main energy sources for mankind ever since the dawn of civilization although its importance dwindled after the expansion in use of oil and coal in the late 19th century. There has been a resurgence of interest in the recent years in biomass energy in many countries considering the benefits it offers.

The Indian Renewable Energy Programme has received increased recognition internationally in recent years. Many countries evinced interest in cooperation with India for promotion of new and renewable energy. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has been interacting with developed and developing countries for cooperation in New and Renewable Energy.

The document on the MOU between Ministry of renewable energy and Department of energy of USA.The purpose of this MOU is to at establish framework of cooperation covering scientific, technical and policy aspects of production, conversion, utilization, distribution and marketing of biofuels in a sustainable manner and in accordance with national priorities and socio-economic development strategies.

New Delhi: States may soon have to purchase at least 5 per cent of their power need in a year from renewable sources. The forum of electricity regulators headed by the chairman Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has adopted a framework by way of which states will have to enter into a renewable purchase obligation (RPO).


Promotion of renewable energy is one of the imperatives of the National Action Plan on Climate Change. The legal framework for its promotion is provided in the Electricity Act, 2003. Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are an instrument for facilitating uniform dissemination of renewable sources of energy in the country.

Two of Haryana

CHANDIGARH: Gurgaon and Faridabad in Haryana have been selected for development as solar/green cities under a scheme of the Union Ministry for New and Renewable Energy, an official spokesman said here on Thursday.

While approval in principle has already been received for Gurgaon, it would be received soon for Faridabad, he said.
