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Sushmi Dey & Subhash Narayan NEW DELHI

WHILE the Indo-US nuclear deal may be waiting in the wings, the government has proposed yet another initiative to boost the growth of alternative energy sources in the country. It is planning to enact a new Renewable Energy Law that would stipulate mandatory procurement of prescribed minimum renewable energy in each state. The move is aimed at diversifying the country's energy mix that is dominated by oil, gas and coal as basic fuel feed.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, recently announced a Generation Based Incentive (GBI) scheme for grid connected wind and solar projects under which each state has been granted a maximum of 10 MW power capacity from solar power plants, with a ceiling of 5 MW per company.

The recently released Global Status Report on Renewables 2007

Last year, India imported 121.67 million tonnes (MT) of crude

Solar lanterns to be promoted across the country Manmohan Singh NEW DELHI: In the backdrop of rising crude prices and concerns over climate change, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has directed the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy to draft schemes and guidelines for introduction of certificates to encourage States to promote renewable energy. Dr. Singh was chairing the meeting of the Energy Coordination Committee here on Friday. The Centre would soon set up a solar energy mission and promote the use of solar lanterns across the country, he said.


About 708 remote villages and hamlets have been electrified in the north-eastern States so far under the Remote Village Electrification (RVE) programme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, with about 1,167 projects under implementation in villages/hamlets, according to a PIB press release.

The quantum of energy produced in Punjab through new and renewable energy sources will be around 917 million units (MU) by 2011-12, a sizeable 10 per cent contribution to the total power generation in the state. The proposed enhancement of 916.59 MU will come at a tentative investment of Rs 5,156.32 crore.

"I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait till oil and coal run out before we tackle that.'

The Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has sanctioned 15 solar power plants of 1 kilo watt power each in 13 sub-divisions of DHBVN, Sirsa and in two sub-divisions of DHBVN, Faridabad. This step would help to meet the power requirements, besides creating awareness among the masses about the generation of power through solar photovoltaic technology.
