EU regulators will not accelerate a decision on whether to restrict use of the world's most widely used weed killer, even though it has been linked to cancer by the World Health Organization (WHO),

Picture a red jeep bumping up and down a longish, straight, red dirt road in rural Colombia and, coming from the opposite direction, one lone motorcyclist. The two vehicles draw near and stop.

The European Commission proposed on Wednesday a new law allowing individual EU countries to restrict or prohibit imported genetically modified crops even if they have been approved by the bloc as a

(Reuters) - U.S.

Three Chinese citizens are taking China's Ministry of Agriculture to court in a bid to make public a toxicology report supporting the approval of Monsanto's popular weedkiller, Roundup, 27 years ag

U.S. regulators will put new restrictions on the world's most widely used herbicide to help address the rapid expansion of weeds resistant to the chemical, Reuters has learned.

A landmark GM contamination case has for now swung in favour of an organic farmer facing a huge legal bill, while his adversary must reveal if he was backed by Monsanto or an industry group.

Monsanto has called for the World Health Organisation’s cancer agency to retract a report that found that glyphosate, the world’s most widely-used herbicide, a “probable carcinogen”.

Monsanto Co. escalated its criticism of a World Health Organization agency’s finding last week that a commonly used herbicide probably has the potential to cause cancer in humans.

An environmental group sued the U.S. government on Friday, accusing regulators of discounting the dangers that a widely used herbicide poses to the declining monarch butterfly population.
