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THIS UNIDO study is an useful data source on the world's pharmaceutical industry and has been used in the World Development Report, 1993. The UNIDO data files on this often secretive industry are

ZAFRULLAH Chowdhury draws inspiration as much from Hippocrates as from Mao Zedong. To the first, he owes his medical ideals and to the second, his taking up a rifle to fight in Bangladesh's war of liberation in 1971.

Bangladesh owes a lot to Ch

The UN's World Investment Report 1992 indicates the data available on the geographical distribution of R&D efforts of MNCs shows a growing trend towards internationalisation. A survey of 33 major

A recent United Nations report absolves multinationals of the environmentalists' charge of shifting ecologically harmful industries to the South. Earlier, equally prestigious reports, claimed the contrary.

Sharad Joshi, the well known, controversial farm leader from Maharashtra, outlines a new strategy for agriculture.

MNCs are virtually shutting out indigenous manufacturers from the urban slice of the telecom pie, but the fault is not entirely theirs.

On the night of 3rd December, 1984, Union Carbide tank 610, released 40 tonnes of lethal gas into Bhopal. What followed was the worst industrial disaster in human history. “Bhopal: A Prayer for Rain” is a movie set amidst that disaster. This 2 minute 45 second long trailer of the movie encompasses the horrifying darkness, the immense fear, and the bone chilling hopelessness of that night and the days that followed.
