MUMBAI: Acting on the directives of the Central Zoo Authority (CZA), which were issued during the approval of the Rs 434-crore Byculla zoo makeover plan last year, the BMC has completed a survey to ascertain the number of trees there.

Mumbai: The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Wednesday gave its approval for the purchase of over 1400 tenements to rehabilitate Project Affected People (PAP) by the Brihanmumbai Storm Water Drain (BRIMSTOWAD) project which is touted as the solution for floods in the city.

Calcutta, Feb. 16: Suspected sewage contamination of drinking water supplied by the Calcutta Municipal Corporation to Garden Reach has made many children sick and prompted allegations that the toxic mix caused the death of a four-year-old.

AHMEDABAD : Just before Lok Sabha elections, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) unveiled a Rs 285-crore sewerage network for newly-acquired areas of new west zone. Most of the works are being undertaken under JNNURM. The areas to be covered include seven major pockets in the new west zone.

NEW DELHI: The House of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi finalised the revised budget estimates for 2008-09 and budget estimates for 2009-10 at a special meeting here on Thursday.

Mumbai: In its effort to provide uninterrupted water supply to citizens, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has decided to outsource work instead of carrying out reformsdepartmentally.

New Delhi: NDMC

Civic Agency Shows Deficit Of Rs 179 Crore, Expenditure Up

BHUBANESWAR: While the steel industry is reeling under the impact of the global meltdown, smallscale iron ore processing units of the State are facing a challenge of a different kind.

Although the iron ore processing units of Keonjhar district have been demanding assured supply of ore lumps at a reasonable rate, the Orissa Mining Corporation (OMC) has been ignoring the SSIs.

New Delhi: At its new landfill sites, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi plans to generate electricity, cooking gas, organic manure and bricks from the waste generated in the city. To come up at Okhla and Timarpur, the landfill sites will have a waste treatment plant for which the corporation is likely to join hands with the East Delhi Waste Processing Company Private Limited (EDWPCL).
