Women farm labourers are more vulnerable to pesticide poisoning -- and they don't even know it. A survey of 13 states conducted by the Consumers Forum, in collaboration with the Confederation of

Opposition to multinationals in the agriculture sector in Karnataka may soon spread throughout India

The Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha has charged these 23 foreign collaborations with exploiting the country"s genetic wealth in the agriculture sector:

Traditional medical and agricultural practices, usually dismissed as unscientific, are regaining favour, with some help from Honeybee a journal that documents rural wisdom.

A Pikhor blacksmith has invented more than 20 agricultural tools.

Birds killed by chemicals inspired a villager to experiment and come up with a natural pesticide.

A traditional water harvesting system helps green a dry region.

The Raika tribals have developed an exhaustive system of veterinary medicine based on local herbs and products.

As scientists debate which of two new pesticides should be used in the fight against malaria, the toll in the disease slowly rises.

Known in ancient India as a tree with many wondrous properties, the neem tree is slowly drawing the attention of the country's scientific and entrepreneurial community.
