The ability of microorganisms found in the Antarctic region to produce enzymes at low temperatures could save energy used for heating in fermentation processes

With petrol stocks being fast depleted, scientists are developing a technology that will run vehicles on hydrogen

A hardy bacterium that can adapt to water scarce conditions offers clues to how crops can survive dry periods

Physical Review, which began in 1893 as a monthly journal of indifferent repute, has evolved into a standard for the international physics community.

Traditional medical and agricultural practices, usually dismissed as unscientific, are regaining favour, with some help from Honeybee a journal that documents rural wisdom.

A seWhelp programme provides the poorest villagers in the area surrounding Mahoin Gandhi's Sevagrom ashrom with access to quality medical care.

A technique developed to fight tumours in rats may one day be used to treat humans

The Earth's atmosphere has been evolving ever since the planet was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. But, with industrialisation, human activity, for the first time, threatens irreversible climate changes

After yielding successful formulations like Liv. 52 and Guglip, Ayurveda now holds out promise of a new range of drugs to treat mental disorders.

New evidence has emerged for the existence of dark matter -- an invisible constituent of the universe that is believed to play a key role in the formation of galaxies.
