BG group of the UK is keen on picking 25-30% stake in state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corp's (ONGC) Krishna Godavari and Mahanadi basin deepsea oil and gas exploration blocks off the east coast. BG has expressed interest to take 30% interest in KG basin Block KG-DWN-98/4, which ONGC had won in the first round of auction under New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) and 25% in Mahanadi basin Block MN-DWN-2002/2 that the state-run firm had won in NELP-IV. "We have approached the government for approval of the farm-in,' a company official said.

All for ageing oil well Oil and Natural Gas Corporation has inked an agreement with the Russian Tatarska Geophysica Technologies (TGT) for increasing production of matured fields. TGT is a service

Have gas, will explore' seems to be the mantra as India's $90 billion oil and gas industry gears up for the July round of talks with Iran on the $7.4 billion Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline project.

Gujarat legislators want ONGC to rehabilitate farmers

With the government set to end GAIL's monopoly over gas pipelines, new players are finalising their own plans. In the bargain, gas as a fuel may become competitive.

ONGC is refused permission by the Assam pollution control board for further drilling

The Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGQ has given a detailed reply to the show-cause notice issued by the ministry of environment and forests (MEF), which alleged the ONGC had failed to prepare a

The oil pipeline burst at Bombay High exposes maintenance lapses and highlights the urgent need for environment management plans to tackle such mishaps.
