Question raised in Lok Sabha on Pollution in Rivers, 21/06/2019. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in association with State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs)/ Pollution Control Committees (PCCs) monitors the water quality of rivers across the country through a network of monitoring stations under the National Water Quality Monitoring Programme. The criteria/norms of standard level water pollution for major rivers are generally based on Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)levels, a key indicator of organic pollution.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Poaching and Trafficking of Wildlife, 21/06/2019. Confirmed cases of poaching and seizures from the year 2012 to 2018 are at Annexure-I. The steps taken/being taken by the Government of India through the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to check poaching is at Annexure-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Poaching and Trafficking of Wildlife, 21/06/2019. Confirmed cases of poaching and seizures from the year 2012 to 2018 are at Annexure-I. The steps taken/being taken by the Government of India through the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) to check poaching is at Annexure-II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on National Clean Air Programme, 21/06/2019. NCAP is a pan India medium term five-year national level strategy to tackle the increasing air pollution problem across the country. At present, 779 manual and 170 real time air quality monitoring stations are installed across the country. State wise list of manual and continuous stations installed in the country is enclosed as Annexure I and Annexure II respectively.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on National Clean Air Programme, 21/06/2019. NCAP is a pan India medium term five-year national level strategy to tackle the increasing air pollution problem across the country. At present, 779 manual and 170 real time air quality monitoring stations are installed across the country. State wise list of manual and continuous stations installed in the country is enclosed as Annexure I and Annexure II respectively.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Malnutrition Among Children, 21/06/2019. As per National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) 35.7% of under-five children are underweight, 21% wasted, and 38.4% stunted across the country. State/UT-wise detail is enclosed in Annexure – I. The specific programs which have bearing on nutritional status of women and children and their expenditure is enclosed at Annexure -II.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Increase in Level of Particulate Matter, 21/06/2019. Ambient air quality data of Delhi monitored under Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAAQMS (real time)) during 2016-2018 is enclosed at Annexure-II. The ambient air quality data for metropolitan cities / million plus urban agglomerations during 2016- 2018 is given in Annexure-I. Analysis of data revealed that SO2 levels were within the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) in all 50 cities during 2016-18.

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Forest Fires, 21/06/2019. The details of forest fire incidents that occurred since January 2019 to 16th June,2019, as reported by Forest Survey of India, are as per Annexure–I. The Ministry has provided financial assistance to State/UT Governments affected by forest fire from the Forest Fire Prevention and Management Scheme. The amount disbursed to various states during the last three years (as on 31.03.2019) is given in Annexure-II.

Members of the Lower House yesterday urged the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Agriculture to bring to book people who are responsible for the failures in the implementation of a rural project,

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - Air pollution in 39 smog-prone northern Chinese cities soared in February, making it increasingly unlikely they will meet their annual winter air quality targets, Reuters analy
