
Deep inside a dream he sees himself, dressed in the same slightly torn lungi that he wears every day, but with his hair flying in the wind at the top of a grand, three-storey mansion.

Expressing concern over the latest poverty figures, a Parliamentary panel has asked the government to set up of a joint mechanism comprising states, central departments and Planning Commission for

Saranda forests in West Singhbhum will get fixed mining and no-mining zones within a month to benefit both the demands of economy and ecology.

Thirty-five more Maoist affected districts will now be able to divert forestland for creation of critical public utility infrastructure like schools, hospitals, police stations and rural roads with

Now, 35 more Maoist-affected districts will be able to divert forest land for creation of critical public utility infrastructure like schools, hospitals, police stations and rural roads sans being

When the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, announced the formation of the Committee for Consultations on the Situation in Andhra Pradesh (CCSAP), popularly known as Justice Srikrishna Committee (SKC), the proponents of Telangana Statehood received it with a healthy dose of skepticism.

It is a multipurpose project, which would also provide irrigation and drinking water facilities to Delhi and other northern states such as Rajasthan, Haryana and UP.

Central water commission last year had given its clearance to 300 the Lakhwar project located in Dehradun district

With the Uttarakhand government keen on constructing the 300 MW multipurpose Lakhwar project on the river Yamuna, the state planning commission has chalked out plans for developing a Rs 351 crore drinking water network from the dam in order to fulfill the growing water needs of Dehradun city.

While the Opposition pillories the Planning Commission for using a formal definition of poverty that ensures the percentage of people below the poverty line is lower than what it ought to be, the g

Every eighth person living in urban areas is below the poverty line, while one in five rural residents is poor, the Planning Commission has estimated.
