Pune After water logging in the parking lot of Pune district and sessions court, the Pune Bar Association (PBA) has asked the public works department (PWD) to fit inter-locking blocks at various locations on the court premises. Heavy rain has resulted in waterlogging in parking lots, near the main building and near Pune lawyers consumer society.
Pune Though the Pune Cantonment Board (PCB) had taken the requisite measures to tackle monsoon-related grievances in the Cantonment area, water-logging was reported from various parts of the cantonment jurisdiction due to heavy rain.
Pune Industries Minister Rajendra Darda has assured the Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (MCCIA) to take up their demand of an independent airport in Pune, free of IAF restrictions, with Chief Minister Ashok Chavan.
Pune Abdominal pain, rash and conjunctival congestion could be considered symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF), says a study conducted by the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in association with consultants from city hospitals. This has led a group of doctors at KEM Hospital to investigate whether dengue can be predicted on day three of the fever itself.
Pune Even as the Pune Municipal Corporation authorities maintain that there is enough water supply to all areas, it's the newly developing areas of the city such as Dhanori that are facing an acute water crunch. With alternate day water supply or no supply at all for two to three days, residents in the society and the surrounding areas have to depend on borewells and tankers.
Pune The water scarcity that hit the city hard last year had given a major fillip to the private water tankers business in the city with the owners making the most of the opportunity and exploiting the dire situation faced by citizens
Pune A group of college students came together on Sunday to do their bit for nature. They collected nearly 50 schoolstudents and got them to plant saplings on a few hills where trees are being cut for construction activities.
Pune Population stabilisation is the mandate of the State Family Welfare Bureau, located in the city. However, the data released by the bureau on the occasion of the World Population Day (July 11) show a dip in the number of couples living below the poverty line (BPL) who decide to undergo family planning operations after the birth of one or two girl children.