Pune Under criticism for the slow pace of development work under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM), the Pune Municipal Corporation has chalked out a four-month plan to launch an extensive land acquisition drive for road widening to set up the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS).

One of the major difficulties in doing cost-benefit analysis of a development project is to estimate the total economic value of project benefits, which are usually
multi-dimensional and include goods and services that are not traded in the market. Challenges also arise in
aggregating the values of different benefits, which may not be mutually exclusive.

Amruta Byatnal

Pune: The Mumbai-Pune corridor may be the hot spot for investors. It is also the highest producer of India's electronic waste.

About one third of India's electronic waste is generated in this region. A stakeholders' consultation on e-waste management was conducted in Pune on Friday to address the issue.

Pune Mayor Mohansingh Rajpal has
said that builders should play a more pro-active role in developing facilities
for recycling of water, rainwater harvesting, sewage treatment as this will
help reduce the load on Pune Municipal Corporation.

This report on the recent national level round-table on metro rail systems in Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi, Mumbai and Pune organised by Parisar presents the experiences by experts on metro rail systems in these cities and also their concerns & ways of moving forward.

Pune A day after the environment status report (ESR) of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) stressed for protection of hill top s and slopes, Guardian Minister Ajit Pawar refrained from making any comments on efforts being made to allow limited development as against the complete reservation of biodiversity park as proposed in the development plan.

Pune GREEN BELT: TERI report comes fortnight after nod for four per cent development
