Parisar recently published a commuter-centric performance report for Pune's city bus service, PMPML. The service was graded on the following aspects; RELIABILITY, COMFORT, CONVENIENCE and AFFORDABILITY. The score for each was based on various parameters and arrived at using data from PMPML, Parisar surveys and Commuter feedback survey.

Accelerating growth in the transport sector, a booming construction industry, and a growing industrial sector are responsible for worsening air pollution in Indian cities.

Parisar analyzed the budgetary allocation on transportation sector in Pune’s 2011-12 budget. It emerges that more than 60% of the transport sector budget is allocated to projects which are motor vehicle friendly like building of new roads, flyovers, parking structures and re-tarring of roads.

Parisar has analyzed the budget of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) for the year 2011-12 for the following: the budgetary trends over the last few years, the sectoral priorities of PMC,general accounting practices of PMC and the ease of understanding the budget by common citizens by a method developed by Centre for Budget and Governance Accounta

The Lavasa Corporation Limited (LCL) on Tuesday told the Bombay High Court that the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) cannot lay down pre-conditions to continue its status quo maintained against the alleged illegal constructions in Lavasa.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: What has the rampant levelling of wetlands got to do with increasing energy consumption of Kochiites, especially their use of air-conditioners and air-coolers?

The solid waste is increasing in Pune city due to growth of population, urbanization, higher per capita income and standard of living, changing lifestyle and food habits. The solid waste created by the household units, shops, restaurant and commercial units are higher.

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Even as a number of Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation departments engage in bringing out the annual Environment Status Report of the city, the subject does not seem to interest corporators. It is mandatory for the BMC to get an official approval from the general body of corporators before the document is made official.
