Interview with C.B. Jain, Project Director, JNPP.

Sample Of Nullah Opening Into Satluj Tests Positive For High Uranium Content: German Lab
I P Singh | TNN

Delhi University (DU) has decided to request the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) to lift the ban imposed on it for using radioactive isotopes in its laboratories. Citing reason of safeguarding the career of students, university authorities have decided to write to the AERB to lift the ban.

Bathinda: Confirming Punjab

Says soil contaminated, could lead to spread of radiation during rains

The Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) has asked the Municipal Corporation of Delhi to cement the decrepit road in the Mayapuri industrial area, where a radioactive substance was found in April. The subsequent radiation leak had claimed one life and injured five.

The Mayapuri cobalt-60 episode shows that the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board needs to be replaced with a truly independent, well-staffed, competent body.

IN India's age of philistinism, in which the

Petition seeks temporary sealing of the Mayapuri scrap market

Court urged to issue directions for installation of radiation scanners

Ajay Kanth

KOCHI: The radiation leak at a scrap shop in West Delhi industrial area recently has raised serious concern among experts on the safety of workers in scrap-breaking units in Kerala.

Saint-Etienne (France)

French nuclear safety authorities says six people have been contaminated by a leak of radioactive cobalt in a foundry. The Institute for Radioactivity Protection and Nuclear Safety says the six were brought to a hospital unit at a nuclear plant near the foundry in Feurs in France.

Post Mayapuri radiation incident, all stake-holders including regulators, woke up to a stark reality. It cannot be business as usual. The mistaken notion of a few academics about the concept of
