In areas outside Containment Zones, all activities will be permitted. except the following --- Schools, colleges, educational and coaching institutions will remain closed till 31 July, 2020. Online/ distance learning shall continue to be permitted and shall be encouraged. International air travel of passengers, except as permitted by MHA.

In the ongoing laboratory testing for COVID-19 diagnosis by molecular diagnostic methods, clinical specimens or a subset of the clinical specimens may need to be retained for various purposes such as performing additional tests, for quality control purposes or for use as control materials to assess newer diagnostic tests.

The researchers estimate the distribution of serial intervals for 468 confirmed cases of 2019 novel coronavirus disease reported in China as of February 8, 2020. The mean interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days), SD 4.75 days (95% CI 4.46–5.07 days); 12.6% of case reports indicated presymptomatic transmission.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in West and Central Africa called on its partners and the donor community to support its USD 54,158,500 Regional Preparedness and Response Plan to strengthen resilience among nearly ten million migrants and other mobile populations significantly affected by COVID-19.

Since the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic, ICMR has received over 190 requests for evaluation of molecules/AYUSH regimens/products/technologies/diagnostic kits, etc.

COVID-19, a global pandemic declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), is crippling the global economy and upending people’s lives thereby threatening sustainable development across all its dimensions. Africa is also facing the dire consequences of the crisis necessitating timely response, recovery and rebuilding policies and strategies.

The COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented with the virus spreading in almost all countries in the world. In Africa, 54 out of 55 countries have reported at least one COVID-19 infection.

In these time of crisis, ActionAiders across India are working tirelessly on the ground to bring succour to daily wagers, low income families and migrant workers, hoping to release the burden they face due to loss of income and livelihoods, a result of the necessary lockdown.

While powerful mega trends like global trade tensions, climate change, new technology innovations, and the current COVID-19 crisis impact all parts of the globe, the reality of those impacts – and therefore the necessary responses to them – are inherently driven by unique regional characteristics and the regional enabling environments.

COVID-19 continues to unfold with a profound shock across the media industry. At extraordinary speed, it has disrupted supply and demand, workforce and business operations, monetization, the industry ecosystem, and the emotional and physical health of the industry's community.
