Melvyn Thomas | TNN

Surat:To safeguard the health of thousands of artisans working in the agate stone processing industry in Khambhat region, the Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) plans to provide financial and other aid to them for setting up a non-hazardous stone processing system.

Chandigarh: The adverse impact of air pollution on health are well known but the fact that about 200 people die prematurely every year in a city like Ludhiana - Punjab

A majority of rural households in developing countries still use solid fuels for cooking. Many studies show linkages between the indoor air pollution from solid fuels with respiratory health

FINE KILL The health effect of ULTRAFINE particles - smaller than 0.1 micron in diameter - on human health was never properly studied. Epidemiological studies done till now only linked the effects

It is unimaginable. Air quality in most Indian cities is at critical levels. And the culprit respirable particulates are way above danger mark in most cities monitored. Yet government and industry are only too happy to join hands to script mass obitua

A recent US study has conclusive evidence on the deadly nature of fine particulate matter in the air. These unseen particles, mostly emitted by the combustion of fossil fuels, are cutting our lives shorter by increasing the chances of lung cancer and