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ALCOHOLIC mothers whose babies suffer from foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) have a great deal for which to answer. Not only are such babies prone to mental retardation, but they rarely improve

KHEJRI (Prosopis cineraria) is nature's best gift to the farmers of Rajasthan and Haryana for it not only thrives in drought conditions and in poor soils, but also encourages the growth of crops

EVER SINCE man realised that sex is not limited to procreation, he has experimented with various concoctions to increase his libido. For scientists, however, aphrodisiacs such as ginseng and the

A Chinese architect claims he can stop the Leaning Tower of Pisa from tilting further, and even bring it back to the original angle of tilt.

Biologists have found that some fish evolved into warm blooded creatures because their adventurous ancestors were exposed to large temperature variations.

Growing environmental awareness is making the Americans switch from chemicals derived from fossil fuels to those made from plant matter.

The concept of teleportation or moving people and objects instantaneously, which was made popular by the American serial Star Trek, is now entering the domain of reality.

The aviation industry is working on producing two 21st century aircraft: the HSCT, which can cut flying time by half; and the super jumbo, which can carry as many as 800 passengers at a time.

AFTER ten years of frustrating toil, a band of gene-hunters from USA and the UK have at last nabbed the gene that causes Huntington's disease, a debilitating disorder of the nerves. The

FROM THE house of Nikon have come electric spectacles that are battery-operated and change 0 from dark to light and back again at the touch of a button in less than 10 seconds. In contrast, the
