A study by Seattle-based Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation published in The Lancet says that India’s ranking of 158th in 2016 represents an improvement from its 1990 ranking of 162nd.

Khartoum — SOME 300 000 South Sudanese children are at high risk of death from malnutrition emanating from deteriorating food insecurity in the war-torn country.

In 1889, an intrepid, 20-year-old American called William Stamps Cherry made a solo voyage up the Congo's tributaries.

Khartoum / El Gedaref — The Sudanese capital of Khartoum, at the confluence of the White and Blue Nile, experienced torrential rains that lasted for several hours, causing extensive flooding in muc

Sudanese medics say at least 23 people have been killed in heavy flooding in the past three weeks.

Sudan is exerting great efforts to reduce maternal and newborn children mortality rates by enhancing reproductive health services.

The United Nations Security Council Friday said alarmed by the level of food insecurity in South Sudan and called to allow unfettered humanitarian access to the needy in the troubled country.

El Nahud / Kassala — At least three people died and hundreds of houses and shops collapsed due to the rains and torrents that swept through El Nahud in West Kordofan on Monday.

Abu Zabad — El Ahmar village of Abu Zabad locality in West Kordofan has recorded eight new cases of acute watery diarrhoea suspected to be cholera on Monday and Tuesday.

Khartoum — During Sudan's lean season, from May to July, the number of Sudanese requiring food assistance is expected to rise to six million.
