In a setback for carmakers, the Supreme Court on Thursday extended the ban imposed on the registration of over 2000 cc diesel vehicles in Delhi.

India Today's exposé reveals the ground reality of the green tax in Delhi, where the Supreme Court order has gone up in smoke due to a truckers-toll agent nexus.

Diesel SUVs: No Entry

The Supreme Court raps diesel car manufacturers on the knuckles and says the ban on registration of new diesel cars will continue. In a stinging comment to car manufacturers including Toyota and Mercedes, the court asked, "Are your vehicles emitting oxygen?"

Three toddlers, all aged between six and 14 months, have moved the Supreme Court asking for a ban on firecrackers, saying that the Top Court needs to take urgent measures to bring down Delhi's 'fatal' pollution levels. Their parents tell us that leaving India, or at least Delhi, seems like a better option than breathing in the city's toxic air. Is it high time there was a blanket ban on firecrackers and are firecrackers all that need looking into? We debate, on Agenda.

18 Sep 2013

Supreme Court order upholds diesel price hike for bus corporations, but ignores the subsidy still enjoyed by cars, SUVs. What happens to the right of the majority to have affordable, reliable and comfortable bus service?

19 Jan 2013

Fuel price reform is inevitable and necessary, but clean fuel and public transport agenda for health protection must not be derailed

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has extended the stay on the order of the Madras High Court with regard to Sterlite Industries till the second week of December.

A Bench comprising Justices R V Raveendran and H L Gokhale directed the respondents to file their replies in four weeks and the rejoinder thereafter in two weeks.

The Bench also asked the Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board to file the

The Supreme Court on Monday asked the London-listed Vedanta group company to give details about the steps being taken by it to comply with the environmental norms at Sterlite

While continuing its stay on the Madras high court order for closing of Sterlite, a subsidiary of MNC Vedanta in Tamil Nadu, the Supreme Court on Monday admitted the company
