Despite a growing economy, global carbon emissions declined by 0.5 per cent in 1998

T ourist attractions in China will now be classified according to hygiene, communications, safety and

Sen s manner of addressing poverty issues has left many questions unanswered

Indian industry is huge. But most environmentalists believe it has done little to reduce pollution, which will only rise as the economy grows. The Centre for Science and Environment has launched a Green Rating Project to assess the industry’s environmenta

Pollution control methods are an investment that ensure long term profits for the corporate sector

N J Rao, professor, Institute of Paper Technology, University of Roorkee, Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, is one of the three technical consultants of the Green Rating Project GRP , undertaken by the Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi. He spoke to

ONE of the less desirable features of globalisation is that decisions made in far away cities can drastically and adversely affect small local communities across oceans and continents. These

Goa will become the first state in the country to adopt national resource accounting

Developed countries are trying to control trade by using environmental protection as an excuse

foresters of the British Columbia province have waged a long battle with environmental groups, but the industry has been warned it must accept
