Delhi finance minister Dr A K Walia has done a P Chindambaram act in this election year budget by waiving off the Delhi Vidyut Board-era arrears to the tune of Rs 2,539 crore.

The physicochemical characteristics of flyash and vermicomposted flower waste were analysed and ten different treatments consisting of various combinations of flyash, vermicompost and chemical fertili

India's most hi-tech power turbine is finally expected to be liberated from a narrow hill road between Mumbai and Nashik on Tuesday, almost nine months after it got embarrassingly stuck on its way to

People in Kapurdi hamlet, some 30 km from Rajasthan's Barmer town, are unusually suspicious of strangers. They stop and question every outsider driving through the area. What is making them so wary

A wealth fund with dedicated funds from forex reserves would add muscle to India's race for energy supplies around the world.

Proposal to acquire 2300 acres for the 2000 MW plant "Government had employed all tactics to terrorise the people' CHANDIGARH: The Akhil Bharatiya Kisan Sangharsh Samiti, a conglomerate of Left parties, has threatened to make it a national issue in case the Punjab government failed to meet the demands of the people of the four villages of Mansa district of Punjab, who are agitating against a proposal to acquire their 2300 acres of land to set up a 2000 MW thermal power plant.

It could be a bitter end to a sweet, juicy story. Maharashtra is planning mega power plants in Ratnagiri district, a horticulture zone known for its finest Alphonso mangoes, which are exported to

The Ontario government recently filed a complaint with the us Environmental Protection Agency. It has criticised proposals it believes will lead to more pollution on the Canadian side of the border

Petition filed against NPCL in Udupi

It is well known that 50-60% of power generated in India is from thermal power stations. These thermal power plants use coal as a fuel. The high ash content of these coals pose a serious problem to the environment. The flyash production rate is about 25 million tonne for every 5 year.
