Even the womb fails to protect

The US congress has reportedly approved a $5 million waiver, thereby quantifying the debt for nature swap offer made to Sri Lanka more than two years ago. It is widely believed that this sum is peanuts, considering that Sri Lanka owes the us close to $1 b

The US pollution laws surpass all limits of hypocrisy

It's profit at any cost for ExxonMobil. The oil giant's shareholders voted overwhelmingly in Dallas, Texas, against proposals dealing with renewable energy and global warming. In fact, the company's

A recent study has exposed the Bush administration's flagrant disregard for environmental laws. The research reveals that the present us government has systematically tried to undermine the

the us' pre-emptive onslaught against Iraq may not have won it many friends, but the Pentagon continues to enjoy the support of a strange bedfellow: the United States Environmental Protection Agency

Individuals and companies in western Australia could soon be asked to cough up US $0.25 million and US $1.25 million, respectively, for concealing or not reporting the discovery of contaminated

US tobacco giant Philip Morris will have to cough up US $10.1 billion for providing wrong information about its "light' cigarettes. A court in the state of Illinois ruled that consumers had been

The US, it is widely believed, can go to great lengths to lay its hands on oil whether this means having to unleash a full fledged war on faraway Iraq, or throwing open a part of the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge back home. At least in the la

A recent study by the us-based Wildlife Conservation Society reveals that the quantity of shark fins in Asian markets could be double the previous estimates. The United Nations Food and Agriculture
