Dehradun once famous for its salubrious climate, air free of dust and smoke, tranquility and reputed institutes is now not only the most polluted city among the mountain States of India but has ris

Urbanization in India is expected to peak in 2050. The Smart Cities Mission was launched in 2015 to transform and improve livability in urban areas in the country. Rapid urbanization puts tremendous stress on Indian cities.

Giving relief to those selling and buying land during an acquisition process initiated by the State Government, the Rajasthan High Court has ruled that such sale and purchase would no longer be voi

Perfect urban infrastructure is where basic civic amenities for healthy living are made available before the actual construction of dwelling units. This does not exist in developing countries easily. In India particularly, it is far from satisfactory.

The Maharashtra government recently moved a resolution in the state assembly to repeal the Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act (ulcra), 1976. It will be taken up in the monsoon session of the