Enable Block: 

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) on Tuesday appreciated the BJP-led central government's work on pollution control and monitoring but also pointed out tardiness in its flagship programm

The green panel says that the bench has clarified that the new vehicles will solely be used for transportation of waste to dumping sites

Consumers will have to shell out more for power, fuel and cars in a few years as these industries begin to pass on the burden of technology upgrades being put in place for meeting increasingly stri

Major car makers like Hyundai and Honda are re-working their strategy to meet the demand for more petrol vehicles.

German luxury car maker Mercedes Benz today said in the long term to address pollution concerns India will have to go back to and adopt diesel technology.

The sudden bans on big diesel cars in the NCR region and in Kerala and a gradual shift in retail economics away from diesel towards petrol have put Rs 50,000-crore worth of investments by car manuf

The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is set to consider, on Monday, whether to impose a ban on the sale of large diesel-powered vehicles in 11 more cities, worrying auto makers who say such a move wil

Bans in Delhi and Kerala are worrying automakers

The Kerala government is readying to move Supreme Court against the National Green Tribunal (NGT)’s order to impose ban on old diesel vehicles.

Green tribunal also bans 10-year-old diesel vehicles in six cities
